Good employees are hard to find.
Great employees are harder to find.
Awesome employees are like 4 leaf clovers.
But they are out there, and you may even have them in your organisation.
Here’s the thing.
Once you have a great or awesome employee – do not let them go!
With unemployment at 3.4% in Australia, employees are able to move on quickly, as we have seen in the past with the great resignation. Don’t let your awesome employees be taken up by your competitor.
It is incumbent upon leaders to ensure that they retain, nurture, and support these employees.
They add value to your organisation, not just financially, but culturally.
And if you are not convinced, look at the cost to replace them:
Executive: $34,000+
Senior Manager: $23,000+
Manager: $18,000+
Employee: $10,000+
It is much better, for so many reasons, to invest in the people you have!